Important Information For Vehicle Owners

Nothing in this document changes any of the rights or duties that you may have under the law, or arising out of the terms of any insurance policy.

The insurance carrier handling  the claim for your vehicle has requested that FrontLine provide them with an estimate of the damages.  Once our estimate has been submitted, your claims representative will review it and contact you.  In most cases, you will hear from them within 48 hours of our inspection.

FrontLine is not authorized to make any commitments as to cover, liabilitiy, or payment.  Our estimates are subject to insurance carrier approval.  You should not make any assumptions about coverage or liability simply because a carrier has ask us to inspect and/or prepare an estimate of damages for your vehicle.

Shop Selection:  Selection of a repair shop is both your right, and your responsibility.  We encourage vehicle owners to vet prospective shops carefully.  In some cases your claims representative may be able to assist you with the selection of a shop.

Tip: Make sure the shop of your choice receives a copy of our estimate as soon as possible.  If you make your selection before we complete your appraisal, we can take care of this for you.  Simply provide our appraiser  with the shop’s name and contact information, including e-mail address of possible.

Repair Times:  Vehicle repair times can be influenced by a number of factors, including but not limited to, inclement weather, parts availability, shop scheduling, and the discovery of additional damage.  As these factors are outside of our control, neither FrontLine nor the insurance carrier can be responsible for a delay in the repair of your vehicle.

Supplemental Damage:  Occasionally, additional  damage may be discovered during the repair process.  We need to know about this as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate adjustments to our estimate, or schedule a re-inspection if necessary.  If your shop contacts you about a supplement, please refer them to our field appraiser.  Contact information is noted on all of our estimates.

Tip: In many cases, payment for a supplement can be issued directly to a repair shop.  Ask your shop about signing a Direction to Pay (DTP) form.

Rental:  Coverage for rental car expense is governed by the terms of your insurance policy, and/or the laws of the state in which the accident occurred.  Our field appraisers do not authorize rentals, or rentals extensions.  These arrangements should be discussed directly with your claims representative.  Under no circumstances will FrontLine be responsible for any portion of your rental expense.

Dealing with an accident is difficult enough without the added stress of exhausting your available rental coverage before vehicle repairs are completed.  We offer the follow tips to help you avoid that situation:

  • Confirm that your shop obtained parts and is ready to begin repairs on a drivable vehicle before dropping it off. 
  • Whenever possible, arrange to drop a drivable vehicle off on a Monday to avoid weekend rental.
  •  Sometimes a vehicle can be made safely drivable with a minor repair, even if the shop is not ready to undertake the full repair.  Ask your shop is this is possible in your specific case.

Parts Selection:  The parts that appear in our estimate were selected based on guidelines furnished to us by the insurance carrier.   Any questions about the parts selected should be addressed directly to your claims representative.

Storage Charges:  A company that tows your vehicle from the scene of an accident will charge storage by the day, unless they are going to be repairing it.  If the vehicle is to be repaired somewhere else, or is a total loss, it is your responsibility to authorize the removal of the vehicle from that location.  Failure to do so could lead to denial of payment for storage charges by the insurance carrier.  Some towing companies will release the vehicle with a verbal request from the owner while others may require a signature.

Tip:  If your vehicle is deemed to a total loss, you’ll want to make immediate arrangements to retrieve your personal items before the vehicle is removed to a salvage yard.  Don’t forget your license plates!

Policy Premiums:  Please do not ask our appraisers to speculate as to the effect a particular claim may have on your insurance premiums.  This information is simply not available to them.

It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company.  Penalties include imprisonment, fines and denial of insurance benefits.

Frontline Appraisals LLC provides comprehensive auto  appraisal services across Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., North Carolina, and Tennessee.  Plus coverage coming to South Carolina.

Our experienced, professional appraisers have years of experience in insurance claim handling and body shop.